Information Systems for Sustainable Organizations

Peneva, Juliana and Ivanov, Stanislav (2016) Information Systems for Sustainable Organizations. In: 6th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education (icaictsee – 2016), December 2-3rd, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria. (In Press)

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Nowadays sustainability is a broad and complex concept, which should be applied to any significant economic activity. Sustainable development involves environmental, economic and social aspects of long-term local and global processes implying an overall progress. Various contradicting requests arise which organizations should resolve in their projects and the proper information support becomes a key factor for this. In the context of the above, the goal of this paper is to examine how information systems within the organization contribute for sustainable development by providing appropriate information services. The monitoring and reporting of the organisational impact on sustainability is constantly required both by members and business partners. Thus, sustainability can be viewed as a new dimension of information system assessment.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:information systems, organizational sustainability
Subjects:Computer science and information technologies > Applied informatics
Economic and business Administration > Economic policy. Management. Marketing
ID Code:3519
Deposited By: Assoc.Prof. Juliana Peneva
Deposited On:18 Dec 2017 06:38
Last Modified:18 Dec 2017 06:38

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