National legislation on the prohibition of discrimination in labor relations = Национална правна уредба на забраната за дискриминация в трудовите отношения

Стайков, Ивайло (2006) National legislation on the prohibition of discrimination in labor relations = Национална правна уредба на забраната за дискриминация в трудовите отношения. Научни трудове на Съюза на учените - Пловдив. Сер. Б. Естествени и хуманитарни науки : годишник = Research reports of the Union of scientists in Bulgaria - Plovdiv. Ser. B. Natural sciences and humanities : annual, VI. pp. 203-210. ISSN 1311-9192

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The article reflects the legal treatment of the prohibition of discrimination in the present Bulgarian legal system. Special attention is given to the last amendments of article 8, para.3 of the Labour Code and Chapter I, title II of the Law on Protection against Discrimination, in force as of 1.01.2004. The Law introduced certain prohibitions and imposed specific legal obligations on the employers as party to the individual labour relations. Critical analysis is made on the positive and weak points of the new anti-discrimination legal framework.

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:Научното изследване е съобразено с действащото законодателство и научната литература към 17 април 2005 г.
Uncontrolled Keywords:discrimination, labour relations, employer, worker or employee, labor law, anti-discrimination legal framework, Bulgaria
Subjects:Economic and business Administration > Labor economics
Law > Labour law
ID Code:4314
Deposited By: Ивайло Иванов Стайков
Deposited On:17 Feb 2021 08:23
Last Modified:17 Feb 2021 08:23

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