Теориите за икономическа интеграция: приложение при интеграционни споразумения между развиващи се държави

Маринов, Едуард (2015) Теориите за икономическа интеграция: приложение при интеграционни споразумения между развиващи се държави. Икономически и социални алтернативи (3). pp. 62-73. ISSN 1314-6556

[thumbnail of 15 Маринов, Е. 2015. Теориите за икономическа интеграция - приложение при развиващи се държави.pdf]
15 Маринов, Е. 2015. Теориите за икономическа интеграция - приложение при развиващи се държави.pdf


Official URL: https://www.unwe.bg/alternativi/bg


Economic integration theory goes through two development stages each of which addresses the relevant for its time political and economic context. The first stage is regarded as classic theory or static analysis and includes the traditional theories of economic integration that explain the possible benefits of integration. The second stage includes the new economic integration theories that are often referred to as dynamic analysis of economic arrangements. One could differentiate certain notions of economic integration theories that deal with the effects, benefits and constrains of economic integration arrangements among developing countries. The article systematizes the theoretical approaches towards economic integration and outlines those that are relevant to developing countries and their motivation to participate in integration agreements.

Item Type:Article
Subjects:Economic and business Administration > Economic policy. Management. Marketing
Economic and business Administration > World trade. International economics.
Political sciences > World politics. Diplomacy
ID Code:4579
Deposited By: Dr. Eduard Marinov
Deposited On:05 Jul 2022 14:21
Last Modified:05 Jul 2022 14:21

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