Търговската политика на ЕС – перспективи, предизвикателства, алтернативи

Маринов, Едуард and Раза, Вернер (2016) Търговската политика на ЕС – перспективи, предизвикателства, алтернативи. Икономическа мисъл, LXI (2). pp. 135-144. ISSN 0013-2993

[thumbnail of 20 Раза, В. и Е. Маринов. 2016. Търговската политика на ЕС - перспективи, предизвикателства, алтернативи.pdf]
20 Раза, В. и Е. Маринов. 2016. Търговската политика на ЕС - перспективи, предизвикателства, алтернативи.pdf


Official URL: https://www.iki.bas.bg/spisanie-ikonomicheska-misa...


The paper presents the main issues discussed at the international conference “EU Trade Policy at the Crossroads: between Economic Liberalism and Democratic Challenges” which was held on 4-6 February 2016 at the C3-Centre for International Development in Vienna, Austria. The conference aimed at contributing to the trade policy debate by promoting a trans- and interdisciplinary analysis of the current trade regime and policies in the EU and its likely economic, social and political impacts. Contributions from a variety of academic disciplines, such as e.g. economics, political science, law and sociology were presented. Similarly, the conference was open to a variety of theoretical and normative positions in the social sciences. In addition, the conference managed to bring together researchers from academic as well as other research organizations with policy-makers and political activists from political organizations, NGOs and social movements.

Item Type:Article
Subjects:Economic and business Administration > Economic policy. Management. Marketing
Economic and business Administration > World trade. International economics.
Law > International law. International public law.
Political sciences > World politics. Diplomacy
ID Code:4596
Deposited By: Dr. Eduard Marinov
Deposited On:06 Jul 2022 08:50
Last Modified:06 Jul 2022 08:51

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