Модели на стратегическо партньорство в туризма

Емилова, Ирена and Мишева, Маргарита (2018) Модели на стратегическо партньорство в туризма. In: Власт, управление и обществено развитие: глобални, регионални и национални перспективи : 6 Международна научно-практическа конференция, 7 юни 2017, София. Нов български университет, София, pp. 440-451. ISBN 9786192330071

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The report will look at different models of strategic partmentship between government, tourism management organizations and tourism businesses in leading tourist destinations. The theme of the strategic partnership between the subjects in tourism is quite current in the last years, given that a large number of international organizations (both governmental and non-governmental) in the field of tourism seek to integrate efforts and resources in order to develop sustainable industry. The majority of these models seek different approaches through which tourism contributes not only to the economic and cultural development of destinations but also to the general development of their inhabitantsas a whole.

Item Type:Book Section
Additional Information:Title: Models of strategic partnership in tourism, Authors: Irena Kirilova Emilova, Margarita Misheva
Uncontrolled Keywords:Strategic partnership; Tourism; Public-private sector
Subjects:Economic and business Administration > Economic policy. Management. Marketing
ID Code:4797
Deposited By: Irena Kirilova Emilova
Deposited On:07 Jul 2023 13:30
Last Modified:07 Jul 2023 13:39

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