Едно институционално усилие: близки спомени. Или как бе съхранен архивът на българската Държавна сигурност

Вучков, Веселин (2022) Едно институционално усилие: близки спомени. Или как бе съхранен архивът на българската Държавна сигурност. Балканистичен форум, 31 (2). pp. 62-80. ISSN 1310-3970

[thumbnail of an-institutional-effort-memories-from-the-recent-past-or-how-the-bulgarian-committee-for-state-security-archive-was-preserved_Content File-PDF.pdf] PDF
an-institutional-effort-memories-from-the-recent-past-or-how-the-bulgarian-committee-for-state-security-archive-was-preserved_Content File-PDF.pdf



The article provides an analysis of a turning point from the most recent history of Bulgarian state institutions: the organized transfer of the archive of the Committee for State Security from the storage facilities of the Ministry of Interior to the new storage facility of the independent dossier Committee. This happened over the course of the 2010-2011 period. A special organization was established for this purpose, which includes senior and executive level officials. The complete organization and control efforts were assigned by the Ministry of Interior to the deputy minister Veselin Vuchkov, who is the author of this text. The text presents the primary reasons for this complex institutional effort, its social meaning, the practical difficulties involved therein, and the consequences over the short and long term. In parallel to this process, the historical police archive (for the period 1923 – 1944), which was created outside of the scope of the Committee for State Security, was also handed over in an organized manner; it was directed to the Archives State Agency with the Council of Ministers. The handover of these two archives from the Ministry of Interior to the respective departments ensures their use for research purposes, their reasonable preservation, and gradual digitalization.

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:TITLE: An Institutional Effort: Memories from the Recent Past or „How the Bulgarian Committee for State Security Archive was Preserved“, AUTHOR: Veselin Vuchkov
Uncontrolled Keywords:announcing affiliation of citizens to the secret service; Archive of the Ministry of Interior; Committee for State Security; historical police archive
Subjects:Law > Administrative law
Law > Human rights
Public administration > Administration of public safety and related fields
Public administration > Civil services
Public administration > Public administration
ID Code:4935
Deposited By: Repository Editor
Deposited On:16 May 2024 11:31
Last Modified:17 May 2024 08:18

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