Items where Author is "Kasabov, Ivan"

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Number of items: 16.

Kasabov, Ivan (2012) Words' connotations and semantic construals. In: Alternate construals in language and linguistics. Philologica Wratislaviensia. Acta et studia (8). Philological School of Higher Education in Wroclaw, Wroclaw, pp. 161-174. ISBN 9788360097144

Kasabov, Ivan (2007) Shape, form and image of the sign' object. In: Semio Istanbul 2007 : Vol. I. VIIIth Congress of the AISV-IAVS International Association for Visual Semiotics "Cultures of visuality". Istanbul Kultur Universitesi, Istanbul.

Kasabov, Ivan (2006) From the Formation of the Image to the Crystallization of the Idea. In: Semiotics, image and narration : Volume XII EFSS '2006. New Bulgarian University, Sofia, pp. 81-87. ISBN 9545354070

Kasabov, Ivan (2006) Tropes, Figures and Genres. In: Semiotics and genre : Collection of selected papers and lectures, presented at the 11-th Intenational Early Fall School in Semiotics : Volume XI EFSS '05. New Bulgarian University, Sofia, pp. 46-48. ISBN 9545359373

Kasabov, Ivan (2004) The "zero level" of language. In: Signs of the world : interculturality and globalization : 8th IASS–AIS Congress, Lyon, 7th-12th July 2004. Institut d'études politiques, Lyon, pp. 35-36.

Kasabov, Ivan (2002) Le héros narrateur dans le "tableau du monde" linguistique et mythologique. In: В търсене на митичната тъкан : Сборник с научни изследвания от конференцията в Пловдив, 15-17 септември 2000 г. = A la recherche de la texture mythique. Издателски център Боян Пенев, София, pp. 152-162. ISBN 9548712156

Kasabov, Ivan (2001) The Bulgarian "picture of the world" as a cultural model. In: Simeiotiki kai politismos : Tomos I Koultoura, logotechnia, epikoinonia. Paratiritis, pp. 233-238. ISBN 9603741744

Kasabov, Ivan (2001) Семантични езикови и/или културни примитиви. In: Między kulturą "niską" a "wysoką" : zjawiska językowe, literackie, kulturowe : pamięci prof. dr hab. Teresy Dąbek-Wirgowej : materiały z Konferencji Naukowej Łódź, 28-29 marca 2000 r. Uniwersytet Łódzki. Katedra Filologii Słowiańskiej, Łódź, pp. 213-217. ISBN 8387931470

Kasabov, Ivan (2000) Encyclopaedic multimedia dictionary as a cultural-linguistic model. In: Modelling history and culture : Proceedings of the 9th international symposium of the Austrian Association for Semiotics, University of Graz, november 22-24, 1996. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Semiotik, Wien, pp. 497-504. ISBN 3900494355

Kasabov, Ivan (1999) The language picture of the world and encyclopaedia as a complex sign system. In: Sign processes in complex systems: 7th International Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS), TU Dresden, October 3-6, 1999. Abstracts. International Association for Semiotic Studies, pp. 213-214.

Kasabov, Ivan (1996) The mirror symetry principle in word-sign semantics. In: Anthropos o Simainon. Tomos I. Logos kai Ideologia. Paratiritis, Thessaloniki, pp. 147-150. ISBN 9789602608319

Kasabov, Ivan (1995) The organization of the lexico-semantic system of language as a cognitive structure. In: Language and Consciousness : An International Symposium abstracts, September 12-15, 1995, Varna, Bulgaria. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, p. 18.

Kasabov, Ivan (1992) The Transition from Signification to Supersignification in the Natural Languages. In: Signs of Humanity : Proceedings of the IVth International Congress International Association for Semiotic Studies. Barcelona / Perpignan, March 30-April 6, 1989. Approaches to Semiotics [AS], I (107). De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, Boston, pp. 495-498.

Kasabov, Ivan (1989) On the Double Significations of the natural Languages. European journal for semiotic studies, I (2). pp. 265-272. ISSN 1015-0102

Kasabov, Ivan (1987) On the problem of defining the core of the vacabulary of the Bulgarian language. Балканско езикознание = Linguistique Balkanique, XXX (1). pp. 51-55. ISSN 0324-1653

Kasabov, Ivan (1986) Semantic status of the word on the language levels. Балканско езикознание = Linguistique Balkanique, XXIX (2). pp. 33-40. ISSN 0324-1653

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