Items where Subject is "History of Ancient Greece"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 21.


Lazova, Tsvete (2018) J. Valeva, E. Nankov and D. Graninger (eds.), A Companion to Ancient Thrace, Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World, Wiley Blackwell, Malden, MA/Oxford/Chichester 2015, xx+487 pp., illustrations. Cased. ISBN 978-1-4443-5104-0 : [Review]. Ancient West and East, 17. pp. 480-485. ISSN 1783-8398

Lazova, Tsvete (2018) Social Values of Antiquities in Bulgaria: Anthropological Perspectives. Open Journal for Anthropological Studies, 2 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2560-5348

Vassileva, Maya (1999) A Few Phrygian Onomastic Notes. Epigraphica Anatolica : Zeitschrift für Epigraphik und historische Geographie Anatoliens (31). pp. 175-180. ISSN 0174-6545

Vassileva, Maya (2001) Further considerations on the cult of Kybele. Anatolian Studies, 51. pp. 51-64. ISSN 0066-1546

Vassileva, Maya (1997) King Midas : between the Balkans and Asia Minor. Dialogues d'histoire ancienne, 23 (2). pp. 9-20. ISSN 0755-7256

Vassileva, Maya (2003) King Midas and the Gordion knot. Thracia : In honorem Annorum LXX Alexandri Fol, XV. pp. 371-382. ISSN 0204-9872

Vassileva, Maya (2008) King Midas' Ass's Ears Revisited. Ancient West & East, 7. pp. 237-247. ISSN 1783-8363

Vassileva, Maya (2006) Phrygian literacy in context: continued. Orpheus : Journal of Indo-European and Thracian Studies, 16. pp. 91-94. ISSN 0861-9387

Vassileva, Maya (2005) The belt of the goddess : Phrygian tombs versus Greek sanctuaries. Studia archaeologica universitatis serdicensis. Supplementum IV - Stephanos archaeologicos in honorem professoris Ludmili Getov. pp. 91-101.

Vassileva, Maya (1995) Thracian-Phrygian cultural zone: The Daskyleion evi­dence. Orpheus : Journal of Indo-European and Thracian Studies, 5. pp. 27-34. ISSN 0861-9387

Василева, Майя (1990) Гора, бог и имя: о некоторых фрако-фригийских параллелях. Вестник древней истории (3). pp. 94-101. ISSN 0321-0391

Василева, Майя (1998) Златната трапеза на цар Мидас. Български фолклор (3). pp. 21-27. ISSN 0323-9861

Василева, Майя (2019) Прорицателят Мопсос. Thracia, XXIV. pp. 211-221. ISSN 0204-9872

Младенов, Младен (2019) Missing Eunomia. Интернет страница на ПОДС.

Book Section

Lazova, Tsvete (2018) Social Life of Orpheus Imagery: Constructing and Negotiating National Identity1. In: 1st International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences: Conference Proceedings. Center for Open Access in Science, Belgrade, pp. 77-92. ISBN 9788681294000

Vassileva, Maya (2007) King Midas and the early history of Macedonia. In: Ancient Macedonia : papers read at the seventh international symposium held in Thessaloniki, October 14-18, 2002. VII, Macedonia from the iron age to the death of Philip II. Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki, pp. 773-779. ISBN 9789607387424

Vassileva, Maya (2006) King Midas: History and Archaeology. In: Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Boston, August 23-26, 2003 : common ground : archaeology, art, science, and humanities. Oxbow Books, Oxford, pp. 15-17. ISBN 9781842171837

Василева, Майя (2013) Фригия, Троя и Тракия. In: Сборник в памет на академик Д. П. Димитров = Studies in memory of academician D. P. Dimitrov. Национален археологически институт с музей, Софийски университет "Св. Климент Охридски", pp. 53-61. ISBN 9789549472226


Gicheva-Meimari, Rossitsa (2018) Бакла в каталог с мистериални орфико-питагорейски забрани от района на Смирна = Cyamos in a Catalogue of Orphic-Pythagorean Prohibitions in a Mystery Cult of Bromios at Smyrna. Working Paper. Научен електронен архив на НБУ. (Unpublished)

Вернан, Жан-Пиер and Денкова, Лидия (2015) Мит и религия в древна Гърция / Прев. от френски Лидия Денкова. Working Paper. Научен електронен архив на НБУ. (Unpublished)


Неделчева, Петранка (2013) Каменни колекции от праисторическото селище Микро Вуни, о. Самотраки, Гърция в контекста на каменните ансамбли от Северноегейския ареал : Автореферат на дисертация за присъждане на образователна и научна степен доктор. PhD thesis, Нов български университет.

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