Устойчиво развитие на туризма в природен парк Витоша

Алексова, Десислава (2012) Устойчиво развитие на туризма в природен парк Витоша. In: Предизвикателства пред съвременната икономика : Девета международна научна конференция : 22-23 юни 2012 г. Бояна. Международно висше бизнес училище, София, pp. 679-698. ISBN 9789549432572

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Pages from 19 DA_ NOV_679_do_698_vkl.pdf



The survey presents the general characteristics of “Vitosha” Nature Park - its natural resources and heritage, conservation status, zoning and its management. It
examines the historical development of the tourism in Vitosha Mountain, the existing tourist infrastructure, investment projects and activities regulated in the Management Plan of the Nature Park. The paper provides information for some best practices – botanical and
thematic paths, educational tourism, facilities for people with disabilities, tourist attractions.
General proposals are given for specific tourist products, interaction with local authorities and contribution to the conservation and environmental education. An analysis of the role of “Vitosha” Nature Park Directorate and the other stakeholders has been made and also a comparison between the potential opportunities for sustainable development of tourism and some potential threats in the protected area.

Item Type:Book Section
Additional Information:TITLE: Sustainable Development of Tourism in "Vitosha" Nature Park, AUTHOR: Dessislava Alexova
Uncontrolled Keywords:Nature Park, sustainable tourism, sustainable development, management plan, conservation, protected areas
Subjects:Earth and environmental sciences > Ecology. Environmental preservation
Economic and business Administration > Economic policy. Management. Marketing
ID Code:1656
Deposited By: д-р Десислава Алексова
Deposited On:15 Feb 2013 13:22
Last Modified:15 Feb 2013 13:23

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