Създаване на нови туристически дестинации чрез развитие на екотуризъм в природните паркове

Алексова, Десислава (2009) Създаване на нови туристически дестинации чрез развитие на екотуризъм в природните паркове. Лесовъдска мисъл : лесовъдство, парково и ландшафтно устройство,опазване на природната среда = Forestery ideas, XV (1). pp. 256-264. ISSN 1310-5639

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The report examines the importance of nature parks to protect the natural heritage and in terms of regional development through investment in local economies on specific projects for development of tourism. In analyzing the survey the role of parks directorates for the establishment of new tourist destinations through the formation of preconditions for the development of ecotourism and ecotourism specific products, interaction with local authorities, local and regional business contribution to the conservation and development of local crafts, traditions, culture and environmental education.

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:TITLE: Formation of new tourist destinations through the development of ecotourism in the naturе parks, AUTHOR: Dessislava Alexova
Uncontrolled Keywords:Ключови думи: екотуризъм, защитени територии, местни общности, природни паркове, ecotourism, protected areas, local authorities, nature parks
Subjects:Economic and business Administration > Economic policy. Management. Marketing
ID Code:1645
Deposited By: д-р Десислава Алексова
Deposited On:14 Feb 2013 14:49
Last Modified:14 Feb 2013 14:49

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