Специфични измерения на мотивацията във виртуална екипна среда

Хаджиев, Кристиян (2024) Специфични измерения на мотивацията във виртуална екипна среда. Годишник на департамент „Администрация и управление“, 8. ISSN 2603-297X (In Press)

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Studia_Motivation_2023_2024_standart.docx - Accepted Version


Official URL: https://administracija-i-upravlenie.nbu.bg/bg/godi...


In the article, the object of research, from a content and process point of view, is the specificity of the phenomenon of motivation in a unique environment based on virtual systems that model, control and manage the activity through remote forms and specialized software. The classical and new dominant motivational theories are analyzed through the prism of the unique characteristics of virtual teams in the context of the realities, relationships and regularities of modern organizations. The fact is that motivation is a dynamic system of incentives, but also a tool that models individual and group behavior by creating balance, focus and intense interaction between forward and reverse compensatory relationships and the synergistic, multiplicative and integrative effects derived from it in work team processes. The focus is placed on the theoretical and methodological features in the design of effective motivational systems in the context of the specifics of their formation, refraction and adaptation in a virtual team environment. Three fundamental dimensions of motivational theories are analyzed: a rational model (the role and opportunities for stimulation through various forms of reward), a model of human relations (needs hierarchy, degree of satisfaction, recognition, group identity and commitment) and a complex analysis, as a complex a cognitive process of self-realization, self-expression, self-improvement and development in which multifaceted personal characteristics, expectations, abilities, perceptions, self-evaluations and values are intertwined. The application of motivational models in the work processes of virtual teams has a higher management complexity and requires flexibility and coordination due to geographical and time constraints, values and cultural differences.
Keywords: virtual team, content and process theories of motivation, work structure, virtual dynamics, performance management.

Item Type:Article
Subjects:Economic and business Administration > Organizational behavior
ID Code:4988
Deposited By: доц. д-р Кристиян Хаджиев
Deposited On:02 Oct 2024 13:59
Last Modified:02 Oct 2024 13:59

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