Песните на арфиста в контекста на египетската литературна традиция (II хил. до Р. Хр. – средата на I хил. до Р. Хр.)

Чобанов, Йордан (2013) Песните на арфиста в контекста на египетската литературна традиция (II хил. до Р. Хр. – средата на I хил. до Р. Хр.). PhD thesis, Нов български университет.

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The Harper songs are a group of texts which exist in the ancient Egyptian literature tradition. They are found mostly written on the walls of private tombs from XIX-XX din. (approximately 1323 – 1069 B.C.), mainly in the Theban area. Up to date we are aware of the existence of 30 texts, which could be added to this group. The Harper songs differ from the other texts in the tomb by the images, which surround them and by the specific introduction, which most of them share.
The dissertation is divided into three chapters. In the first one all known harper songs from XIX-XX din. are gathered with translation, transliteration and complete bibliography. Attention is given to the position of the songs in the individual tombs. The second chapter deals with the context in which the songs appear in the tombs and with the images, connected to the Harper songs themselves. The goal is to determine the character of the songs – whether they are secular or funerary in nature. By studying the context of the songs in the tombs their purpose could also be more closely determined. Discussed are terms related to the songs which play key role in the understanding of the texts. This enables a better understanding of the two types of Harper songs. Their inner structure and topics are also studied in this chapter. The third chapter deals with similar songs from the tombs of Egyptian dignitaries. Discussed are songs from the Old, Middle and New Kingdom (XVIII din.). Determined is weather the known songs from this periods belong the tradition of the Harper songs or not.

Item Type:Thesis (PhD)
Additional Information:TITLE: The Harper Songs in the context of the Egyptian writing tradition (II millennium B.C.- middle of I millenium B.C.), AUTHOR: Yordan Chobanov
Uncontrolled Keywords:Egyptology, Harpers, Harper songs, Egyptian literature, the game senet
Subjects:History.Archaeology > History of Egypt
History.Archaeology > Inscriptions. Epigraphic
Language. Linguistics. Literature > Ancient Egyptian literature
ID Code:1952
Deposited By: Ph.D. Yordan Chobanov
Deposited On:11 Oct 2013 07:44
Last Modified:11 Oct 2013 07:44

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