Равни възможности или как дизайнът помага на хората

Анев, Светослав (2016) Равни възможности или как дизайнът помага на хората. MD мебелен дизайн и интериор, 12 (4). pp. 42-47. ISSN 1312-6466

[thumbnail of Equal_opportunities_or_how_design_benefits_people.pdf]


Official URL: http://md-magazine.info/


People with disabilities have always had problems, ever since the beginning of human history. The topic has often been intentionally ignored by the modern society and their problems – neglected and understated. Disability or impairment is the inability or reduced ability of people to interact with the surrounding environment. This causes social, intellectual, physical and moral impediments that are difficult to overcome. The article is focused on the way that design helps and benefit people with such problems.

Item Type:Article
Additional Information:AUTHOR: Svetoslav Anev. TITLE: Equal opportunities or how design benefits people
Uncontrolled Keywords:Equal opportunities, Design
Subjects:Arts.Fine and Decorative arts > Decorative arts. Design
ID Code:3379
Deposited By: Ph.D. Svetoslav Anev
Deposited On:04 Aug 2017 10:47
Last Modified:14 Aug 2017 13:18

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