Ein „postbyzantinisches“ Schisma – Bulgarien 1992 oder Wie viel hat Politik mit Religion zu tun? = A post-Byzantine schism - Bulgaria 1992 or How much has politics to do with religion?

Duridanov, Ludmil (2004) Ein „postbyzantinisches“ Schisma – Bulgarien 1992 oder Wie viel hat Politik mit Religion zu tun? = A post-Byzantine schism - Bulgaria 1992 or How much has politics to do with religion? In: Religion, Staat und Konfliktkonstellationen im orthodoxen Ost- und Südosteuropa. Vergleichende Perspektiven. Erfurter Studien zur Kulturgeschichte des orthodoxen Christentums (1). Peter Lang, pp. 115-135. ISBN 3631513216

[thumbnail of Ein „postbyzantinisches“ Schisma – Bulgarien 1992 oder Wie viel hat Politik mit Religion zu tun?]
PDF (Ein „postbyzantinisches“ Schisma – Bulgarien 1992 oder Wie viel hat Politik mit Religion zu tun?)
+Postbyzantinsches Schisma 1992 - 2005 cover+article.pdf



The ecclesiastical schism in Bulgaria – here referred to as post-Byzantine - did not come up unexpectedly in 1992 to raise political, social, religious and psychological issues. This justifies the choice of the author to analyze the ecclesiastical schism in Bulgaria from a cultural-historical perspective within Byzantine and Russian Orthodox history, canon law and social psychology.
The multidisciplinary approach of recently raised post-communist issues adds a methodological advantage, since it helps to disclose the “many faces” of communism as a messianic pseudo-religious mainstream in Eastern Europe, which was the main cause of religious, social and politically-driven tensions after 1990. In this way the religious schism can be tackled more adequately than if being analyzed solely through an empirically-driven social lens, or only from a church law point of view within a context where a spiritual résurgence of Christian Orthodox belief was on the go. This being said, we should not forget to take into consideration the fact that no religion could play the dominant power of real life in nowadays Europe after being "broken down" by the Protestant Reformation, because it seized to generate new mental paradigms, which is one of the modern issues of religious conscience raised in the present paper.

Item Type:Book Section
Uncontrolled Keywords:Byzantine History, Church History, Bulgaria, Schism, Social Psychology, Southeast European History, Christian Orthodox tradition, Modern Ecclesiastical Culture, Church Law
Subjects:History.Archaeology > History of Byzantium
History.Archaeology > History of Bulgaria
History.Archaeology > Modern world history
Law > Law. Philosophy and theory
Philosophy > Culture. Cultural studies. Philosophy of culture
Religion > Christianity. Christian doctrinal theology
ID Code:3967
Deposited By: Dr. Ludmil Duridanov
Deposited On:16 Jan 2019 10:33
Last Modified:17 Jan 2019 09:28

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