Items where Subject is "History of ancient world"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 43.


Lazova, Tsvete (2022) The Archaeological Site of Pistiros: Venturing to Change the Traditional Paradigm in Bulgarian Archaeology. Ancient West & East, 21. pp. 89-107. ISSN 1783-8363

Nekhrizov, Georgi and Roller, Lynn E. and Vassileva, Maya and Tzvetkova, Julia and Kecheva, Nadezhda (2012) Gluhite Kamani: Old questions and new approaches. Thracia : In honour of the 40th anniversary of the Institute of Thracology, XX. pp. 215-233. ISSN 0204-9872

Vassileva, Maya (1999) A Few Phrygian Onomastic Notes. Epigraphica Anatolica : Zeitschrift für Epigraphik und historische Geographie Anatoliens (31). pp. 175-180. ISSN 0174-6545

Vassileva, Maya (1993) Brygoi-Phrygoi and the Background of a Migration. Annuaire de la Société d’études interdisciplinaires des ethnies et des établissements humains DIOS, 1. pp. 44-49.

Vassileva, Maya (2001) Further considerations on the cult of Kybele. Anatolian Studies, 51. pp. 51-64. ISSN 0066-1546

Vassileva, Maya (1997) King Midas : between the Balkans and Asia Minor. Dialogues d'histoire ancienne, 23 (2). pp. 9-20. ISSN 0755-7256

Vassileva, Maya (2003) King Midas and the Gordion knot. Thracia : In honorem Annorum LXX Alexandri Fol, XV. pp. 371-382. ISSN 0204-9872

Vassileva, Maya (2008) King Midas' Ass's Ears Revisited. Ancient West & East, 7. pp. 237-247. ISSN 1783-8363

Vassileva, Maya (2007) New Bulgarian Publications on Ancient History and Archaeology. Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia, 13 (3). pp. 241-256. ISSN 0929-077X

Vassileva, Maya (1992) Notes on the "Black Stones" from Tyana. Epigraphica Anatolica : Zeitschrift für Epigraphik und historische Geographie Anatoliens (19). pp. 1-3. ISSN 0174-6545

Vassileva, Maya (2006) Phrygian literacy in context: continued. Orpheus : Journal of Indo-European and Thracian Studies, 16. pp. 91-94. ISSN 0861-9387

Vassileva, Maya (1995) Thracian-Phrygian cultural zone: The Daskyleion evi­dence. Orpheus : Journal of Indo-European and Thracian Studies, 5. pp. 27-34. ISSN 0861-9387

Vassileva, Maya (1998) Zeus Bennios: A few more notes. Archaeologia Bulgarica, II (2). pp. 52-56. ISSN 1310-9537

Василева, Майя (2009) Антики, музеи и иманяри. Будител : Българското списание за история, археология и памет, 2 (12). pp. 23-27. ISSN 1312-7829

Василева, Майя (1990) Гора, бог и имя: о некоторых фрако-фригийских параллелях. Вестник древней истории (3). pp. 94-101. ISSN 0321-0391

Василева, Майя (1998) Златната трапеза на цар Мидас. Български фолклор (3). pp. 21-27. ISSN 0323-9861

Василева, Майя (1997) Кимери и фриги - общи проблеми на историографията. Минало : Тримесечно списание за история, IV (2). pp. 18-27. ISSN 1310-3415

Василева, Майя (2000) Надгробни могили - някои проблеми на старогръцката терминология. Известия на Националния исторически музей, XI. pp. 81-85. ISSN 1311-5219

Василева, Майя (2019) Прорицателят Мопсос. Thracia, XXIV. pp. 211-221. ISSN 0204-9872

Book Section

Vassileva, Maya (2015) 21. Persia. In: A Companion to Ancient Thrace. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp. 320-335. ISBN 9781444351040

Vassileva, Maya (2012) Bronze Animal Figurines from Gordion. In: Anatolian Iron Ages 7 : the proceedings of the Seventh Anatolian Iron Age Colloquium held at Edirne, 19-24 april 2010. Ancient near eastern studies. Supplement (39). Peeters, Leuven, pp. 317-332. ISBN 9789042925625

Vassileva, Maya (2012) Early Bronze Fibulae and Belts from the Gordion Citadel Mound. In: The archaeology of Phrygian Gordion, royal city of Midas. University Museum monograph (136). University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia, pp. 111-126. ISBN 9781934536599

Vassileva, Maya (2007) First Millennium BC Ritual Bronze Belts in an Anatolian and Balkan Context. In: Thrace in the Graeco-roman world : proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Thracology, Komotini - Alexandroupolis, 18-23 october 2005. National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, pp. 669-679. ISBN 9789607905383

Vassileva, Maya (1998) Greek ideas of the north and the east: Mastering the Black Sea area. In: The Greek colonisation of the Black Sea area : historical interpretation of archaeology. Franz Steiner, Stuttgart, pp. 69-77. ISBN 9783515073028

Vassileva, Maya (1998) Interactions in the Thracian-Phrygian Cultural Zone. In: The Thracian World at the Crossroads of Civilizations. II. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Thracology. Constanta-Mangalia-Tulcea 20-26 May 1996. Romanian Institute of Thracology, Bucarest, pp. 300-305.

Vassileva, Maya (2007) King Midas and the early history of Macedonia. In: Ancient Macedonia : papers read at the seventh international symposium held in Thessaloniki, October 14-18, 2002. VII, Macedonia from the iron age to the death of Philip II. Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki, pp. 773-779. ISBN 9789607387424

Vassileva, Maya (2008) King Midas in Southeastern Anatolia. In: Anatolian Interfaces: Hittites, Greeks and Their Neighbours : Proceedings of an International Conference on Cross-Cultural Interaction, September 17-19, 2004. Oxbow Books, Oxford, pp. 165-171. ISBN 9781842172704

Vassileva, Maya (2006) King Midas: History and Archaeology. In: Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Boston, August 23-26, 2003 : common ground : archaeology, art, science, and humanities. Oxbow Books, Oxford, pp. 15-17. ISBN 9781842171837

Vassileva, Maya (2015) Phrygia and the southern Black Sea littoral. In: Danubian Lands Between the Black, Aegean and Adriatic Seas: (7th Century BC-10th Century AD) Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities (Belgrade - 17-21 September 2013). Archaeopress Archaeology, Oxford, pp. 91-96. ISBN 9781784911928

Vassileva, Maya (2014) Phrygian Bronzes in the Greek World: Globalization through Cult? In: Melammu : The Ancient World in an Age of Globalization. Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge (7). Berlin Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, Berlin, pp. 217-234. ISBN 9783945561003

Vassileva, Maya (2013) Phrygian bronzeworking. In: Phrygians : in the land of Midas, in the shadow of monuments. Yapi Kredi Yayinlari, Istanbul, pp. 310-331. ISBN 9789750823978

Vassileva, Maya (2006) Phrygian literacy in cult and religion. In: Pluralismus und Wandel in den Religionen im vorhellenistischen Anatolien : Akten des religionsgeschichtlichen Symposiums in Bonn (19.-20. Mai 2005). Alter Orient und Altes Testament (337). Ugarit, Münster, pp. 225-239.

Vassileva, Maya (1997) Thrace and Phrygia. Some problems of the megalithic culture. In: Thrace ancienne : époque archaïque, classique, hellenistique, romaine : 2e Symposium international des études thraciennes, Komotini, 20-27 septembre 1992. Association culturelle de Komotini, Komotini, pp. 193-198. ISBN 9608600502

Vassileva, Maya (2012) Thracian and Phrygian Rock-Cut Monuments: A Comparative Overview. In: Proceeding of the First International Symposium Ancient Cultures in South-East Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean : megalithic monuments and cult practicles, Blagoevgrad, 11-14 October 2012. South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Blagoevgrad, pp. 44-57. ISBN 9789546808592

Василева, Майя (2016) Култ и религия в древна Фригия: Проблеми на проучванията. In: Societas classica: култури и религии на Балканите, в Средиземноморието и Изтока. Унив. изд. "Св. Св. Кирил и Методий", Велико Търново, pp. 487-499. ISBN 978-619-208-060-0


Duridanov, Ivan (1969) Die Thrakisch- und Dakisch-Baltischen Sprachbeziehungen. Other. Verlag der Bulgarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sofia.

Gicheva-Meimari, Rossitsa (2018) Бакла в каталог с мистериални орфико-питагорейски забрани от района на Смирна = Cyamos in a Catalogue of Orphic-Pythagorean Prohibitions in a Mystery Cult of Bromios at Smyrna. Working Paper. Научен електронен архив на НБУ. (Unpublished)

Гичева-Меймари, Росица (2019) "Погребалното ложе" на тракийските аристократи. Working Paper. Научен електронен архив на НБУ. (Unpublished)


Duridanov, Ivan (1975) Die Hydronymie des Vardarsystems als Geschichtsquelle. Slavistische Forschungen, 17 . Böhlau Verlag, Köln, Wien. ISBN 3412839736

Duridanov, Ludmil (2001) Ein Paradox des Ikonoklasmus: das ursprüngliche Bedeutungsfeld von GRAPHEIN. Zenitza Verlag, Plovdiv. ISBN 9549674258

Дуриданов, Иван (1952) Местните названия от Ломско. Българска академия на науките, София.


Манов, Петър (2016) Речни и морски комуникации на Източните Балкани I-VI в. : Автореферат на дисертация за присъждане на образователна и научна степен "доктор". PhD thesis, Нов български университет.

Маринов, Владимир (2014) Учението на Порфирий за самопознанието в традицията на античния неоплатонизъм : Дисертационен труд за придобиване на образователната и научна степен "доктор", професионално направление: 2.3 Философия, научна специалност: История на философията (Антична философия). PhD thesis, Нов български университет.

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