Georgi Minchev - Аlbena Kechlibareva - Stephan Daltshev - Poems Icons by Pavel Slaviansky

Kechlibareva, Albena (2013) Georgi Minchev - Аlbena Kechlibareva - Stephan Daltshev - Poems Icons by Pavel Slaviansky. [Video]

[thumbnail of Gheorghi M i n c h e v (1939) Poem "Icons" /Original for voice and orchestra/ Bulgarian Chamber Music, Church in Bulgaria В памет на 3-ти март - Национален и държавен празник на РБългария by Lyric by Pavel Slavian] Video (MPEG) (Gheorghi M i n c h e v (1939) Poem "Icons" /Original for voice and orchestra/ Bulgarian Chamber Music, Church in Bulgaria В памет на 3-ти март - Национален и държавен празник на РБългария by Lyric by Pavel Slavian)
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ABSTRACT: Gheorghi M i n c h e v (1939) Poem "Icons" /Original for voice and orchestra/
Bulgarian Chamber Music, Church in Bulgaria
В памет на 3-ти март - Национален и държавен празник на РБългария
by Lyric by Pavel Slaviansky
Velislav Z a i m o v - Version and editing for voice, organ and percussions

Albena KECHLIBAREVA - Mezzo-Soprano and Concert pianist,
recitalist. Rare case in concert practice - she, herself, accompanies her singing performances.
Concert activity as cantata & oratorio,
opera and chamber singer in almost all European countries in Indonesia, Mongolia, China, Japan etc.
Soloist of a lot of orchestras in Europe.
Integral presentation of the vocal works of the composer Hugo Wolf ( 1860 - 1903 ) - 357 songs.
International master classes for interpretation of the German Lied.
Assoz. Prof. PhD, member of the Music Department of the New Bulgarian University, IHWG - Vienna, "Musica Sacra", ORGANpromotion - Berlin - Paris etc.
BBC & BBC - Nets broadcasting programs and emissions .
CD's & DVD;s Labels - Balkanton Ltd., Mitiel Ltd., Orpheus, Acropolis, MK
A. Kechlibareva has premiered over 100 new works many of which are dedicated to her, has recorded over 25 Gramophone and CDs in Bulgarian and foreign recording studios from Germany, the Netherlands and Austria, and has broadcast for numerous radio and TV stations in Europa, USA, Japan.

Stephan D a l t s h e v, Organ, /Stefan Daltschev/
Wessela N e j k o w a & Sotir S t o j a n o w, Percussions
Cond.:Rumen Bayrakov

Mastering & Editing: Christophor Stoyanov,

Palimsest technic /παλίμψηστος/

DVD - OEZ Berlin - Verlag /Detlef W.Stein www.oezb ...

РЕЗЮМЕ: Георги Минчев - Икони - Първа поема из три поеми "Икони" по стихове на Павел Славянски - адаптацията за глас и орган е инициирана от Албена Кехлибарева за представянето на творбата в многобройни концерти глас и орган в Германия и Нидерландия.
Адаптацията е направена от творчески екип: проф. Велислав Заимов, Стефан Далчев и Албена Кехлибарева с пълното одобрение на автора - Георги Минчев. В този си вид е издадена и на грамофонна плоча, а по-късно и на CD.

Item Type:Video
Subjects:Arts.Fine and Decorative arts > Music
Philosophy > Culture. Cultural studies. Philosophy of culture
Religion > Christianity. Christian doctrinal theology
ID Code:3316
Deposited By: доц. д-р Албена Кехлибарева
Deposited On:05 May 2017 13:14
Last Modified:05 May 2017 13:16

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